What are our marketing opportunities?

05:14 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

The best idea is be completely useless, when no-one gets to know about it. Hence, the communication of an idea is essential when wanting to appeal the target audience. Who is going to play a game produced for children? Right, children. Due to this, the marketing decisions need to be adapted. Advertising "tba" in e.g. financial magazines, hence, will not lead to the desired outcome. This blogpost is referring to first ideas concerning the marketing of "tba". 

Why not trying something new?

Of course print-advertising and TV-spots are appealing and will possibly (if the budget will it allow one day) be part of the marketing campaign of "tba" but the target audience definitely needs to be addressed in others ways, as well and especially directly. Due to this thought, the idea of a promotion tour through schools classes came up. It is, first of all, way cheaper than a high-priced TV-spot production and, secondly, offers the possibility of attracting the children directly. With letting them play and try out "tba", a potential interest might be drawn immediately. Another plus factor of this promotion tour is the fact, that teachers can be taught about the learning benefits of the game and, furthermore, be convinced of involving the game into their lessons.

Comprehensive marketing

The target audience of "tba" is aged 8 to 10 and due to that attending to school. So why not producing several merchandise products which can be useful at school, e.g. pencil cases, rulers, pens, etc.? The design of the game is adapted to children, the main characters are lovely and might, therefore, be suitable for items facilitating the days at school.

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Time for innovations

04:40 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

When working on a long term project, of course the fundamental decisions are being made at the beginning of it. Nevertheless, during the whole process, some small changes, innovations and ideas might breathe new life into the venture. This blogpost is referring to those last-mentioned changes and ideas, as well as to the decision concerning the appropriate game engine.

Mode-play as challenge

As it was as told us in our feedback-session with Ms Pivec's husband, children love the challenge. They love to compare themselves to others, the love being challenged, anyway. Hence, we decided that in the beginning of the game, the player is given the decision of choosing between three modes: easy, advanced and expert. These modes differentiate into the difficulty of the mini-games. Moreover, a highscore table supports this "competition".

Which game engine fits best?

For "tba" no game engine, but a platform compiler will be needed. The game is made for iPhone will be available in the AppStore. Hence, the decisions concerning the operating system, the integrated development environment and programming language are the following:

Operating system: iOS
IDE: Xcode
Programming language: Swift

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Gender question

13:54 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

When designing a game, precise adjustment concerning the audience is essential. Hence, it is important to think about the exact target group, before making serious decisions pertaining to several design aspects. Here, gender specification or gender neutrality are two leading points that need to be thought about.

Reasons "tba" appeals its audience

"tba" is a game designed for children aged 8 to 10. Due to that, the overall-design is adjusted to that - simple, flat and modern, but as well lovely and appropriate for children. Especially the visual appearance of the game is well adapted for "youngsters": Fresh and bright colors, easily readable typography and no excessive and overloaded screens. The aim is to create an harmonizing interaction design which does not ask too much of the player.

Gender specification

Whether the player is male of female, he or she can choose between a male or female "avatar" which represents the player during the whole game. By reason of the fact that the target audience is aged from 8 to 10, these avatars are not created in a sexist way. Thus, the differentiation between the male and female avatar is based on the hairstyle.

Gender neutrality

In terms of game genres, "tba", which is a mix of role-play and puzzle, is gender neutral. 

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Creating a storyboard

12:33 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

First of all: a good screen and interaction design is not created within a few minutes. It takes time to think about the overall design and, after that, about numerous details that are all of high significance.This blogpost refers to the process of creating and developing a storyboard, as well as to the interaction design of "tba". It deals with the trial from first scribble to the final digital screen and describes how the storyboard of "tba" was developed. Moreover, the design idea behind the game in general is specified.

The design process

Manual scribbles

In the case of "tba", first of all, scribbles drawn by hand, we're created. These scribbles show the first idea of the potential screen design the game will offer. Furthermore, for better comprehensibleness, explanatory details were pointed out.


After this manual design step, so-called wire-frames, which are important in terms of user interface design and, as a result of that, user experience, formed the next step in the design-process. Here, the first design-idea, which was elaborated manually, was picked up and "converted" into a first digital black and white-version.

Final Screen

Based on that, the final screen was worked out, including map colors selection and specification, design-orientation in general - which was in the case of "tba" flat design - and further aspects e. g. interaction concerning the overall screen.

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Why our game is different

07:07 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

Competition, especially when it comes to gaming, is big these days. Hence, when conceptualizing a gaming idea, difference is essential. In this post, other games also available and dealing with the same topic, are described. Furthermore, points, why "tba" is different to them, are below-mentioned.

"Was weißt du über Ernährung?"

Designed and produced by Movisol


"Hauptsinn des Essens ist es, uns zu ernähren, aber tun wir das auch wirklich? Wissen wir bei jedem Bissen, was wir uns da in den Mund stecken? Unser Körper braucht eine bestimmte Menge von Nährstoffen, um ordnungsgemäß zu funktionieren und positiv auf die Gesundheit einzuwirken. Das geht nicht instinktiv und ist nicht so leicht, wie es scheint. Um sich richtig zu ernähren reicht es nicht, einfach alles zu verschlingen, worauf wir Hunger haben, denn falsche Ernährung zeigt sich in einer schlechten Gesundheit. Mit diesem Test entdecken Sie die Kuriositäten und verborgenen Geheimnisse der Ernährung. Nährstoffe, Vitamine, Maßeinheiten, Rat ... Glaubst du, bereits alles zu wissen? Stelle deine Kenntnisse auf die Probe!"

"Nutrition and Healthy Eating"

Designed and produced by Tribal Nova


"Get your child ready for school with Bo on the Go and these fun Science learning and educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten designed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch! Bo will lead your child through an exploration of the vast world of food! Through 3 fun games, your child will learn to recognize different foods and how to eat healthy. He or she will discover different games with Bo: distinguish healthy foods from foods that are not so good to eat, sort foods into their particular food groups to help the chefs prepare their magic portions, and select foods in order to create a delicious and balanced meal for the penguin's birthday party!"

"Das ist mein Essen - Ernährung für Kinder"

Designed and produced by urbn; pockets


"Wie sieht eine Avocado von innen aus? Woraus besteht deine Lieblingsspeise und woher kommen die Zutaten? Warum müssen wir überhaupt essen und wie häufig isst du eigentlich was? Diese und viele weitere Fragen über Essen und Ernährung werden hier spielerisch erklärt, erforscht und gelernt! Kinder werden mit dieser zu kleinen Ernährungsexperten. Plötzlich wird der Teller leergegessen und neue Lebensmittel probiert - und anschließend in der App dokumentiert!"

Why "tba" is different

No narrow-minded learning

When playing "tba", the players should not be given the feeling of sitting at school or being forced to learn and study. Due to that, the information and learning content "passes into" them whilst playing.

Amusing and easy-to-play mini-games

Entertaining the players, especially when they are children, is quite important. Hence, all the mini-games are based on a plain and easy controlling, which enables the player to enjoy the game without having to read filling pages instructions.

Child-friendly interfaces

No excessive screens that may confuse the player, no "overkill", no hard-to-understand interfaces - Just a simple, modern, lovely and flat design that does not overstrain the player's senses and perception. 

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Welcome to our team

05:11 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

Due to an unexpected breakup of another team, Cutscene Productions is now enriched by a new member. The whole team is excited about the collaboration with Diana Bobb, a women from Vorarlberg, rich in ideas and excited about the upcoming work.

Nina Huber

Game producer and manager

Developing the concept and idea behind the game
Designing the blog and writing and organizing the blog posts
Super-visioning the sequences of operations

organized, precise, design-affine

Denise Danninger

Game artist and modeler

Designing the digital artwork
Developing and conducting the design for the booklet
Planning the Corporate Design of the Game

experienced and highly skilled in graphic design

Birgit Wilfling

Game programmer and designer

Developing the concept and idea behind the game
Drafting the the individual screens manually
Doing the conception of the mini games on paper

literate, imaginative, reliable

Diana Bobb

Game analyst and tester    

Analyzing the concept in all its stages
Thinking about potential improvements
Testing the analog and digital interfaces

humorous, analytic, critical

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Elevator Pitch

01:56 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

When it comes to game based learning, lots of aspects need to be considered. What is the player expected to learn from playing the game and how will it be achieved? How will learning be facilitated? How will the learning goals and objectives be communicated? What about sequencing of learning, feedback and rewarding? Is the learning adapted to the individual skills of the player? The following blog post offers answers to all these questions and an elevator pitch for the gaming concept.

What's the (elevator) pitch?

"tba" is a entertaining game for mobile devices teaching children aged 8 to 10 about how to have a balanced diet via amusing, easy-to-play and knowledge-transmitting mini-games.

Learning outcomes

What is the player expected to learn from playing the game and how will it be achieved?
When playing "tba" the player "learns" about what a balanced diet consists of and why it is so important to have one. Before each mini-game the user of the game is given an information referring to the level he is operating on. This knowledge-input must be kept in mind because it will be needed later to pass the level.

How will the learning be facilitated?
At the end of each level, all the information acquired while playing it, is "tested" via a quiz. Before being able to go to the next level, the quiz needs to be mastered successfully.

How will the learning goals and objectives be communicated?
Not only the information transmitted before each mini-game contains learning and teaching content, even the mini-games themselves refer to the topic "what a balanced nutrition is about". This means that the content of the mini-game deals with the content of the level the player is operating on. That is, e.g. the mini-games of the level "beverages" are concerned with the matter water, tea, drinking, etc.

Sequencing of learning
The idea behind this game is that the player should not have the feeling of "having" to learn. Due to that, the information and learning content should "pass into" them whilst playing. Therefore, the simple concept of being "confronted" with knowledge that needs to be kept in mind is applied. The quiz at the end of each level then "controls" if the player has read through the information attentively. There won't be an increase in the difficulty of the learning content transmitted, only an increase in the difficulty of the mini-games aimed at the reactivity of the player.

Feedback and awarding
When answering a question of the quiz at the end of each level successfully, the player is given a message in which he or she is complimented for having kept the afore acquired knowledge in mind. If the whole quiz is mastered triumphantly, a congratulation-message will be faded in, as well. Furthermore after finishing the quiz, the topics learned about in the certain level will be summarized.

Is the learning adapted to the individual skills of the player?
No. Each player holds the same starting position. However, the individual reactivity of the players might be deciding how quick the mini-games will be mastered.

What does the player control?
They game player can choose - whether if he or she is male or female - between the below-shown characters which the player is accompanied by throughout the whole game.

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Developing a game concept

05:13 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

These days, nutrition is a topic of high importance in our society. The fact, that the number of people being overweight has increased steadily during the last years, was one of the crucial factors for the idea of developing a game that teaches children how to live healthily and how to have a balanced diet.

Hard facts

Game title: tba
Working title: An apple a day
Genre: Role-play based on minigames
Target audience: children aged 8-10

What the game is about

The idea behind the game is that while playing it, children learn what a balanced diet is. The whole game is based on  levels referring to the levels of the food pyramid. Each of the levels consists of numerous mini games. These mini games, furthermore, are geared to the foodstuff represented in the individual level. After each mini game, the player is given some information referring to the foodstuff, as well. At the end of each level, there is a quiz "testing" all the information received whilst operating on the level. To be able to clim to the next level, the quiz needs to be mastered successfully.

The game should be amusing and easy to play and not protracted and based on thousands of rules. Hence, the decision to develop a game consisting of mini games was made. Own experiences have shown that games offering an easy controlling and the challenge of testing one's ability to respond are quite appealing, especially when it comes to children who definitely won't read a filling pages instruction before starting the game. Moreover, the young players should not have the feeling of having to study. The idea is that whilst playing, the teaching and learning content, "passes into" them.

How the idea came to life

In the below-mentioned mind map, the process of collecting thoughts, ideas, suggestions and decisions is visualized.

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Company Roles

03:29 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

For a successful company it is necessary to ensure an effective role allocation within it. The faces behind Cutscene offer different skills and, hence, the opportunity to approach the project from different directions. The interaction of the organized, precise, design-affine Nina, the experienced and highly skilled in graphic design Denise and the literate, imaginative, reliable Birgit will hopefully lead to a successful outcome.

Nina Huber

Game producer and manager

Developing the concept and idea behind the game
Designing the blog and writing and organizing the blog posts
Super-visioning the sequences of operations

organized, precise, design-affine

Denise Danninger

Game artist and modeler

Designing the digital artwork
Developing and conducting the design for the booklet
Planning the Corporate Design of the Game

experienced and highly skilled in graphic design

Birgit Wilfling

Game programmer and designer

Developing the concept and idea behind the game
Drafting the the individual screens manually
Doing the conception of the mini games on paper

literate, imaginative, reliable

What might challenge us

The fact, that developing a game concept comprises several drivers which all need to be regarded, leads to an extensive undertaking. Hence, measuring up to our own expectations concerning this project might become a challenging part. Managing all tasks, being in time, implementing the ideas in a constructive way - all these things are of high importance and, therefore, need to be considered.

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Game Assessment - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

02:16 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

When visiting Game City, our team had the task of analyzing a game chosen by ourselves. In the following blogpost the role games "Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire" are being analyzed in terms of categorization, player interaction, pedagogical aspects and other significant reference points.

Section 1 – Introduction to the game

Please use this section to provide an introduction to the game you have chosen.

1.1 The name of the game

Pokémon Omega Rubin & Alpha Saphir
(engl.: Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire)

1.2 The producers or creators of the game

What other games have they have they produced?
Other significant details

Studio: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo, The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Genre: Role Play

other games by Nintendo: numerous games for different platforms, e.g. Nintento DS, Wii, Wii U, Game Cube; Gameboy etc.:

  • Animal Crossing
  • Mario Kart
  • Yoshi’s Island
  • Nintendogs
  • Super Mario Bros
  • etc.

1.3 Language

Is the game only available in English or is it available in other languages?

English, German, Japanese

1.4 Game platform used for review

Nintendo 3DS

Section 2 – Summary description and categorisation of the game

Please provide some information that will help to describe the game. This includes a brief description of the story or theme of the game and the game objectives. By providing information on the platform, peripherals, players and the genre it will help to classify the game to provide a more effective reference for users:

2.1 Please provide some information on the intended audience including:

Is the game single player or multiplayer/ does it offer multiplayer opportunities?

The game is a single player game with multiplayer- and online-multiplayer-opportunities.

What is the target age group and the minimum age?

The target group in general is children, but due to Pokémon’s worldwide success, teenagers or even adults play the as well.

2.2 Rating information: PEGI/ ESRB

Pegi: 7+
ESRB: Everyone
Discriptors: Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence, Online Interactions

2.3 Game genre

Please choose one or more genre(s) or style(s) to which the game belongs (see table below) and provide an explanatory note with your choice.

“Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Alpha Sapphire” is a role-playing game in which players pit their Pokémon (creatures) against other trainers with the aim to become the Pokémon League Champion. The player interacts with characters from a “fantasy land” and engages in turn-based battles: Moreover, the player is living through a complex story which requires the use of strategy, as well.

Game genre(s): Adventure/Action, Fight, Role-play, Simulation, Strategy

2.4 Categorisation of the game

Please choose a category below for which the game may in your opinion hold some potential educational benefit and provide an explanatory note with your choice.

Decision making (strategy & problem solving)
Social interaction/ values/ cultures
Ability to learn/ self assess

In all Pokémon games, the player is given an understanding of friendship and the belief in dreams. Furthermore, it is not a game that can be played trough within 20 minutes. The game is based on a story in which the player itself is involved tremendously. Strategic decisions, deductive and logical reasoning, problem solving and joined-up thinking are hence of huge importance.

Section 3 – Overview/ walkthrough of the game

Please use this section to provide a walkthrough of the game which should ideally include screenshots that support the overview. In the screenshots try to capture elements of the game play and navigation and include any items that may require highlighting (e.g. offensive content, particularly unusual or difficult parts).

3.1 Please use the grid below to indicate your skill level/ experience in terms of computer/ video games:

1 – Novice/ rarely or never play games
3 – Intermediate/ occasionally play games
5 – Expert/ Frequently play games

Please complete the following with reference to your skill level/ experience e.g. “For me as a novice player it was easy to start…I found the introduction interesting”):

3.2 Provide the back-story for the game and the conditions for success (see footnote re: screenshots)

Since the release of the first games named “Pokémon Red Version” and “Pokémon Green Version” in 1996 in Japan, the Pokémon games have enjoyed great popularity. The unique, penetrative and both simple and complex game principle enthuses players from all over the world. 

In each edition/version of the Pokémon games the player lives trough a new story, and additionally, a new region where adventures and numerous mysteries are waiting to be solved by the Pokémon trainer (=player of the game). Together with creatures shrouded in mystery which can be caught by the player, the gambler experiences adventure after adventure and becomes – after having trained his or her Pokémon and having solved the complex story, numerous riddles, etc. – the Pokémon League Champion.

This principle is the basis of all the typical Pokémon games that have been rereleased since the first version. In 2002 (Japan) and 2003 (USA, Canada, Europe) the “Pokémon Ruby Version” and “Pokémon Sapphire Version” were brought on the gaming market. More than ten years later, Nintendo launched the improved, extended and to the latest platform (Nintendo 3DS) adapted versions. “Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Pokémon Alpha Sapphire” pick up the story of the “forerunner” version and provide numerous reforms and technical innovations adjusted to the new platform, as well.

The enormous success of the versions “Pokémon Ruby” and “Pokémon Sapphire”, the positioning of the brand Pokémon itself on the gaming market, the success of the Pokémon games in general, have thus led to a pleasant anticipation of the players concerning the “new” versions of “Pokémon Ruby” and “Pokémon Sapphire”.

3.3 Provide a short walkthrough to describe the steps for successful play (see footnote re: screenshots)

For playing “Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Pokémon Alpha Sapphire” successfully, the player has to “follow” diverse principles that can be applied to all the Pokémon role games:

  • Meet as many Pokémon as you can
  • Complete the Pokédex (= collection, archive where all data concerning every single Pokémon is collected and registered)
  • Fight other Pokémon trainers to let your Pokémon become better and stronger
  • Let your Pokémon improve their characteristics by letting them evolve to a better version of themselves
  • Develop your own strategy for Pokémon battles
  • Consider the reciprocation of the Pokémon and their attacks (There are different types of Pokémon and attacks, e.g. water, fire, electro, etc.)
  • Become the Pokémon League Champion by defeating the TOP 4 Pokémon Trainers of the Pokémon League and the reigning Pokémon Champion

3.4 Describe the game play, player interaction and navigation (provide screenshots)

Description of the game play:
“Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Pokémon Alpha Sapphire” start – as all Pokémon role games – in a small village (hometown of the trainer). Shortly after having started the game, the player is given his or her first Pokémon and due to that ready for the big adventure. During the game, the player travels from town to town, fights battle after battle and increases the power of the Pokémon accompanying him. In certain cities one has to fight against trainers who are the owner of so-called Pokémon arenas. After having won the fight, the player is giving a medal, which enables him to use certain skills or be able to train stronger Pokémon. Moreover, it is necessary, to fight all eight arena-leaders to be qualified for the fights taking place at the Pokémon League.

Player interaction:
The player interacts with his Pokémon by giving them “instructions” (so-called attacks) for the battle with other Pokémon. This can be done via a certain menu (see next page). Furthermore, interaction with other people playing the game is possible. The game offers several multi-player options, e.g. the opportunity of fighting against other players worldwide or changing Pokémon with them.

The navigation is carried out by a main menu which shows different categories, e.g. a list of the accompanying Pokémon, the Pokédex, a bag with items, etc.


Here the player’s avatar (Pokémon trainer) is shown while walking through the grass of a route of the region, where the whole story takes place. This screen is one of the most occurring ones, due to the fact, that the player has to navigate his character from route to route, from city to city, etc. most of the time.

This screen shows the main menu of the game. Six “categories” of different content are findable here.

Pokémon: Lists all the Pokémon accompanying the trainer with their level, attacks, characteristics, etc.
Pokédex: Shows all the data of the Pokémon the trainer has already met and caught during his or her journey.
Beutel: Lists all the items bought or found during the whole game, e.g. medicine for curing the Pokémon, a bike for moving faster, balls for collecting Pokémon.
Erwin: Provides useful information concerning the player, e.g. when the game was started, how many medals have already been earned, total play time, etc.
Speichern: Offers the opportunity of saving the game.
Optionen: Offers different setting for the game, e.g. sound or text options.



Shows the menu item “Pokémon”. Here the trainer receives information concerning the Pokémon accompanying him or her. Information concerning the health status (so-called “KP”), the level of the Pokémon and the sex of it can be found immediately. By choosing on the of Pokémon and clicking “A” the player is offered the opportunity of informing about other information worth knowing respective the Pokémon.


Shows the view when fighting against a wild Pokémon that can be found in high grass, for instance. The Pokémon on the left side is always the one of the player, whereas the alternate one is a wild one (or owned by another trainer).

Here, the menu during a fight (as well against wild or Pokémon owned by another trainer or player).

Beutel: Offers the opportunity of accessing the bag. If the Pokémon gets hurt during a fight, for example, with this option, medicine can be used to heal it.
Flucht: This option is only given when meeting a wild Pokémon. By choosing it, the player can escape from a potential fight. When fighting against other trainers, “Flucht” can not be clicked.
Pokémon: If the player wants to exchange his or her fighting Pokémon against one of his other ones, the option “Pokémon” is the ones that needs to be choosen.


This screen shows the end of a fight against a wild Pokémon. When combating other Pokémon, the own ones receive so-called “Erfahrungspunkte” which make them become stronger. As it’s the goal of every player to become Pokémon League Champion, fighting other Pokémon and trainers and thereby collecting “Erfahrungspunkte”, is inevitable and essential.


3.5 Highlight any issues that could hinder play/ confusing aspects (see footnote re: screenshots)

The only real “confusing” aspect of playing a Pokémon role game, is the fact that beginning and playing the first minutes of the game can be a bit perplexing when not having played Pokémon at least once. But from the first minute on, everything is explained by avatars and characters occurring during playing. Moreover, the player is given detailed information and introductions concerning how to play the game. Due to that, the “entrance” to the world of Pokémon is eased.

3.8 Learning curve time – please provide an estimate for the amount of time needed to learn how to use the game

1 hour

3.9 Can the game be saved and restarted from the same point?


In the main menu of the game there is an option called “Speichern” which enables the player to save all the progress he or she has accomplished since the last point of saving.

3.10 Can the learning objectives be achieved in small periods of time, i.e. class time?

Estimated from the missions or levels completed

0 Yes
0 No

This question is difficult to answer. Due to the fact, that the game is based on a long-living and complex story, it needs hours, to be played trough. Short “sections” (eg. a riddle occurring at a certain point of the game) can be achieved in shorter periods of time, however.

Section 4 – Pedagogical aspects

Please use this section to provide an evaluation of how effective the game could be in terms of pedagogy.

4.1 Please provide suggestions for use of the game in the classroom/ formal education setting

Letting everybody playing “Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Pokémon Alpha Sapphire” in class could lead to the problem of a lack of platforms. For being able to play the game, a Nintendo 3DS is necessary and providing one to every student implicates an enormous financial effort. However, some underlying principles of the game, e.g. solving several problems, decision making or interaction and deductive reasoning can be adopted to the “normal” classes.

4.3 Regarding learning outside of a formal education setting - please provide suggestions for use of the game for learning outside the classroom.

Pokémon enables children to discover their own creativity, to make decisions and to – even if it sounds a bit “kitschy” – believe in themselves. If the interests of students are connected with real life, the willingness to learn could improve tremendously.

4.4 If possible, please provide an example of current/ past use of the game for learning outside of a formal education setting.

The below-mentioned article does not deal exactly with the question above, but could as well be interesting, because it tries to answer the question: “Can Pokémon be educational?“

Moreover, there is a presentation dealing with the possibility of using video games as a successful tool in teaching.


Furthermore Pokémon has already been involved in education:

4.5 Based on your own experience, please provide any further information that you think is relevant. 

Why we choose “Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Alpha Sapphire”
When we, Cutscene Productions, a group consisting of three girls who rarely play games, entered the doors of Game City in Vienna, we honestly had no idea of what game or even what game genre we want to “dive in” and to this analysis about. But after having walked through some of the halls of the town hall, we discovered the stand of Nintendo and a discussion about childhood memories started immediately. Although we all three considered us as people who are not into computer games, we had to assert that there was a game, we all played in our younger years. And guess what? It was Pokémon.

From that point on, we talked about the things we loved about the game and all the benefits it brought to us. We think that the principle and idea behind the Pokémon games, the composition and structure of it and the game itself improved many things in our (young) lives back then. Pokémon enables children to act out their imagination, to use strategic thinking, to interact and last but not least to learn about themselves, as well. And all that by playing a game that is – in contrast to lots of other games available today – really suitable for children.

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Games on another level - Visiting Game City 2015

01:29 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

Shortly after the beginning of our semester, we visited the Game City 2015, taking place at Vienna's city hall from October 2nd to October 4th, 2015 . Since its foundation in 2007, Austria's biggest event for computer and console games has been attracting ten thousands of visitors year each year. This year, 83 exhibitors took their chance to present their latest products to the more than 78.000 visitors of Game City 2015.

Here are some of our impressions:

For everyone who missed the chance of being part of the biggest gaming fair Austria has ever seen - Here is the link to the official after movie of Game City 2015:

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Behind the (Cut)scenes

12:46 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

The faces behind the brand

Birgit, Nina and Denny – the creative chaots behind „Cutscene Productions“. The biggest amout of time, the three of them spend on studying Informationdesign at the University for Applied Sciences in Graz where they face artistic challenges every day.  With enthusiasm and a sense of humor even demanding projects become diversified and funny.

Why we are blogging 

This blog is part of our final project in the subject „Applied Game Design“. Our intention is to shape the concept for a new game, with an educational background to provide knowledge. 

How the name came to life

The name was a product of researches in the Internet and trying to deal with the trade language of games and gamers. After some time we found the word „Cutscene“ which was kind of an eyecatcher and caught our attention. It didn’t take us long to find a solution, how we would create a logo for that.

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