Finding a name

04:29 cutscene-productions 0 Comments

Like all the other "basic modules" in the process of game development, the name of the final product is of tremendously high importance. So when designing a game for children, the title of it needs no be adapted to them, as well. This blogpost provides an insight in the process of finding an appropriate name for "tba". 

First thoughts

The first consideration when having thought about the name, was the following: It has to be catchy, short and significant. To put it in a nutshell, no overlong, complicated and confusing term which runs the risk of not being understood by the target group.

Furthermore, the name should, in any case, deal with the topics "food" or "nutrition". The first idea, which was, in fact, catchy but definitely too inapplicable for children aged 8 to 10, was "Nutrition Ambition". Hence, the process of finding a name started again.

After having thought and brainstormed for hours and not having had any suitable suggestions, the short word "YUM" came up from close to scratch. It was, short, significant, catchy and, moreover, dealt with the topic the game is referring to. It is understood and associated with food easily and - which is an important point of view for designers - opens interesting opportunities concerning the graphic implementation.

What about a subheading? 

The idea behind the subheading for "YUM" is the following: It should, first of all, pique the target group's curiosity, secondly "reveal" a bit what the game is about and, last but no least, provide an attraction.

"Become a food champion" is, in view of the above-mentioned aspects, a fitting subhead meeting the criteria.

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